If you feel like your reality is one of pain, anger, despair, or hopelessness with your spouse, it's time to fix a broken marriage Brahmin Brides . Before you had to wait almost a lifetime to find the one special person who you would love forever. While you may be living together, fulfilling the promise, you soon find yourself fighting and arguing over simple matters until it becomes big. Before long, your marriage is in serious trouble. If you have an ambivalent attitude toward your spouse or the marriage, you may not know where you should seek help. Problems in marriage are inevitable. This is a common scenario for almost all couples. If you have read this and feel it is happening to you, then it is important that you understand the situation and that you realize there is "something" you could do. If two people love and support each other, it is not a sufficient reason for a marriage to end. Only that their relationships can be shaken by problems. But, separation will n...